Calcium lubricants
For medium drawing speed (12-16 m/s).
Surface preparation:
1. Mechanical descaling.
Calcium lubricants
For high speed (16-20 m/s)
Surface preparation:
mechanical descaling
Calcium lubricant medium fat content
Easy to be removed in the following wet drawing operation.
Surface preparation:
calcium lubricant
High lubrication and high melting point.
Surface preparation:
calcium-sodium lubricant medium fat content
For high drawing speed, on the first dies followed by sodium (S1285 – S1440), not suitable for further wet drawing operation.
Surface preparation:
orbital belt descaling and pre-coating (Pancover 4780) or pickled and salt coated material
calcium-sodium lubricant with low fat content
For high drawing speed, on the first dies followed by sodium (S1285 – S1440), not suitable for further wet drawing operation.
Surface preparation:
orbital belt descaling and pre-coating (Pancover 4780) or pickled and salt coated material.
calcium - sodium lubricant medium fat content
For high drawing speed, on the first dies followed by sodium (S1285 – S1440), not suitable for further wet drawing operation.
Surface preparation:
orbital belt descaling and pre-coating (Pancover 4780) or pickled and salt coated material
low borax sodium lubricant with high content of stearic acid
For high drawing speed, on final dies in combination with S466, S55 or S244.
Surface preparation:
borax free sodium lubricant with high content of stearic acid
For high drawing speed, on final dies in combination with S466, S55 or S244.
Surface preparation:
low borax sodium lubricant, high melting point
For high drawing speed, on final dies in combination with S466, S55 or S244.
Surface preparation:
calcium lubricant low fat content
For high speed (up to 20 m/s)
Surface preparation:
Calcium lubricant, medium fat content, high melting point
For very high speed, in combination with S55 or S44
Surface preparation:
calcium lubricant medium fat content
For very high drawing speed, on the first dies followed by sodium (S1285- S1440), not suitable for the further wet drawing operation.
Surface preparation:
calcium-sodium lubricant medium fat content
For final dies after a calcium lubricant (S44,S55,S59,S103)
Surface preparation:
water soluble liquid lubricant: different balance of degreasing and lubrication
Strong stability against the action of lime and calcium lubricants, excellent degreasing action to prepare the surface for the further copper coating process. Developed also to offer an excellent resistance to acid contamination and high die life of skin pass die at very high drawing speed.
Surface preparation:
After first drawing from:
water soluble liquid lubricants: different balance of degreasing and lubrication
Strong stability against the action of lime and calcium lubricants, excellent degreasing action to prepare the surface for the further copper coating process. Developed also to offer an excellent resistance to acid contamination and high die life of skin pass die at very high drawing speed.
Surface preparation:
After first drawing from:
water soluble liquid lubricant: different balance of degreasing and lubrication
Strong stability against the action of lime and calcium lubricants, excellent degreasing action to prepare the surface for the further copper coating process. Developed also to offer an excellent resistance to acid contamination and high die life of skin pass die at very high drawing speed.
Surface preparation:
After first drawing from:
Liquid oil not water soluble
For the protection and lubrication of the copper free welding wire.
It provides anti-rusting properties and good feedability in the welding gun.
Special water dispersible grease
For the lubrication of the skin pass of copper free wire.
Surface preparation:
Special lubricant for skin pass
Very good neutralization properties and high feedability in the welding machine.
Surface preparation:
Special lubricants for skin pass
Very good neutralization properties and high feedability in the welding machine.
Surface preparation:
zinc phosphates accelerated with nitrate/nitrite
For general applications for cold heading and high carbon steel wire: high coating weight, very adherent crystals.
Suitable for oil and dry lubrication.
It can be used either for batch or in-line treatments.
Surface preparation:
zinc phosphates accelerated with nitrate/nitrite
For general applications for cold heading and high carbon steel wire: high coating weight, very adherent crystals.
Suitable for oil and dry lubrication.
It can be used either for batch or in-line treatments.
Surface preparation:
zinc calcium phosphates accelerated with nitrate/nitrite
Product suitable for high speed drawing for high carbon steel wires.
Surface preparation:
zinc calcium phosphates accelerated with nitrate/nitrite
Product suitable for high speed drawing for high carbon steel wires.
Surface preparation:
zinc phosphates accelerated with nitrate/chlorite
Universal product for application on high and low carbon steel, on acid pickled or shot blaster rod.
Single product easy to use, very stable working conditions.
It produces a smooth and black finish on the drawn wire, it can be used fot batch or in-line operations.
Surface preparation:
Water soluble salt compound
Preparation of bath for the production of copper free CO2 welding wire.
Surface preparation:
Water soluble powder
Preparation of bath for the production of bronze CO2 welding wire.
Surface preparation:
Water soluble powder
Preparation of bath for the production of bronze CO2 welding wire.
Surface preparation: